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A weekly surprise from the North Sea

Cape Viskot @ Fenix Food Factory 

We all know that eating fish is good for us. Yet we don't eat fish every week. With our surprise bag of fresh North Sea fish, we bring the fish back to the plate.


"Our dishes are not the same every day. We work with fresh, seasonal products and use a zero waste policy"

The Good Fishermen

Every week, the Good Fishermen fish on the North Sea. They want to develop short transparent chains, from the sea to the plate. So that you know how the fish was caught, where and by whom. Top quality is delivered by careful fishing and the short chain ensures that the fish arrives super fresh on your plate.

Fish is healthy

Eating fish is healthy and good for our heart and blood vessels and we are also well aware of the advice to eat fish at least once a week. Yet that piece of fish is not on our plate every week. And if fish is eaten, salmon, tuna or tilapia is often on the menu. Fish that comes from very far and has had to travel many taxing kilometers to get here. And that while there are plenty of beautiful and delicious fish swimming in our North Sea.

Cape Vistas

Have you ever heard of whiting? Or tasted red gurnard in a homemade tomato sauce? With our Cape vistas we surprise you every week or every two weeks with a nice selection of North Sea fish. We also give you advice on how best to prepare the fish and we treat you to a nice recipe once in a while. You choose how often you want to receive the fish and for how many people. You can choose from 1 or 2 types of fish.

North Sea fish

Did you know that there are approximately 220 different species of fish in the North Sea, but only 30 are commercially fished? 90% of these fish are exported, and the fish on our plate is imported 9 out of 10 times and comes from far away. A shame, because the North Sea is one of the cleanest seas in the world and offers a huge variety of beautiful and delicious fish. By buying Noorzeevis you invest in a sustainable short chain. In addition, the short chain ensures that the fish arrives super fresh on your plate.




  • 2 types of fresh North Sea fish (in portions of 2)

  • Cleaned en vacuumed so that it also
    into the freezer

  • Including method of preparation

The bag can be picked up in the Fenix on Friday and Saturday

Food Factory. 

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